Materia Medica | Burdock

Arctium lappa


Asteraceae (Sunflower) Family

Other Names: Ngau Pong (Chinese Medicine), Harlock

Parts Used: Root, Rhizome, Leaf

Principal Constituents: Lignans (arctigenin, arctiin, & matairesinol); polyacetylenes; inulin (45%-50%); mucilage; fatty acids; phenolic acids

Main actions: alerative, diuretic, bitter

Contraindications: Burdock may cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to the sunflower family.

Burdock is native to Europe but grows throughout North America (and is considered invasive).

Burdock is an incredibly reliable medicine when it comes to supporting the skin, especially acne and dry & scaly skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema.

Through it’s bitter action, Burdock stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. This not only supports digestion holistically, but is a valuable appetite stimulant for those who struggle with disordered eating and experience appetite suppression. Burdock is also a powerful ally to the kidneys, supporting healthy elimination through the urine and relieving cystitis (UTI) symptom by reducing inflammation.

As a profylactic, Burdock has been shown to provide antitumor properties, especially in cancer of the Liver.

When applied topically, a poultice of Burdock can be helpful to heal wounds & ulcers.

We utilize Burdock in our CLARIFY supplement as well as in custom formulations for a variety of concerns!

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